Core Skills for Inclusive Leaders

Our tested approach leverages peer learning through seven Core Skills and is scalable across the company:

  • Shared understanding and common language is critical for productive dialogue and work. Learn more.

  • Each of us has a unique story that comes into every meeting, relationship, and conversation we have. Learn more.

  • Effective listening is demonstrated when we receive what others mean to say. Trust is built through the making and keeping of promises over time. Learn more.

  • We are dependent on others to learn, grow, and succeed. Feedback is a gift. Learn more.

  • Observing and honoring another’s unique contribution and character is one important way that we can build belonging. Learn more.

  • The development of our colleagues is driven by the environment we create and the support that we provide. Learn more.

  • People create culture. When they feel that they belong and are respected they build inclusive, innovative, and transformative cultures. Learn more.

People in every role—executives, people managers, and individual contributors alike—establish personal accountability for learning and acting with D&I in full view.

The results are transformative

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Colleagues grow relationships of trust and accountability across difference

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Find, develop, and retain a competitive mix of talent

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Increased team productivity and innovation

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Become a brand in which a broader customer base sees itself

Greatheart’s approach, and our Five-Stage Model, meets each learner where they are in their inclusion journey.

Our behavioral focus and unique approach provides a space that is safe enough for the discomfort that drives deep learning. In this psychologically safe space, leaders develop the kind of peer-based accountability and trust that drives high-performance and sustainable culture change.

Whole Learning for the Whole Company



Our content, proprietary tools, and unique approach delivered in keynotes, panels, and workshops.

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Core Skills

A focus on inclusive behaviors engages and challenges leaders at every level in the organization.

Inclusive Executive Advising

1:1 Advising for White Male Executives committed to developing their competency as inclusive leaders.

Executive Team Development

Effectively integrate inclusion into the culture and strategy work that is central to an Executive Team’s work and success.


Inclusive Leadership Assessment

This multi-rater augments learning, guides reflection, and tracks behavioral change over time


Targeted Content Learning

Learning can be focused on male ally-development, racial savvy, or gender equity etc.

Additional focused group options include:

Executive Team Development

Our employees and customers want to see company Executives model inclusive behaviors and drive a substantive Inclusion-based strategy. Many of our senior leaders don’t know how.

White Men as Inclusive Leaders

I’m a white man, and I’m motivated to get much better at leading inclusively (or you know white guys who need our help).

Racially Savvy Leadership

We have to learn how to talk about race with one another, and then lead in ways that produce and retain an equitable racial mix across every job level.

What’s next for your company?

Core Skills for Inclusive Leaders engage your people more deeply in Inclusion-based learning, equipping them to create a more inclusive culture together.