The 5 Stages of Transformation
Building Your Brand as an Inclusive Leader
Transformation is dramatic growth in an individual’s or organization’s performance and character. The Five Stages define a process for cultivating inclusion as a source for transformative growth and to build your leadership brand—how others see you and choose to work alongside you. Each Stage offers a new level of learning about how to lead with various aspects of identity in view.
Defining the 5 Stages
As inclusive leaders, we progress through these Stages in order. The Stage we find ourselves in, and how we nudge forward in our learning, will be different for each aspect of identity, and will be influenced by our own identity, experience, values, and role. As inclusive leaders, we progress through these Stages in order—we can’t skip one. Specific knowledge and skills align with each Stage. Here’s an introduction to the Five Stages in order.
I don’t yet understand how a focus on leading inclusively will benefit me, my colleagues, and my organization.
Asks: “Why does this matter?”
Interest & Necessity
I am motivated to raise my awareness and start learning with colleagues and other stakeholders.
Asks: “Tell me a little more?”
Careful Practice
I experiment cautiously with a mix of awkwardness and confidence in skills, learning to contribute inclusively across various aspects of identity.
Asks: “How can I do this?”
I am becoming more confident in my growth as an inclusive leader. I more effectively solve problems and build trust across difference. I am sharing what I’ve learned and encouraging others to join me in this work.
Asks: “How do we do this together?”
Others recognize me as a trusted resource for leading more inclusively, an accountable ally, a colleague with humility, and a leader with a clear point-of-view. I actively leverage my power and influence to work toward creating a more inclusive and equitable culture.
Asks: “Where can I share my power and use my influence?”
Formula Driven Growth
Within each of the 5 Stages, there is a natural order for learning. There’s a dynamism to this process, as we build relationships and achieve results by increasing knowledge and skill. The formula looks like this:
When you focus on inclusion with specific colleagues and customers (of diverse and shared identity), with trust and accountability
You are motivated to learn what you need to know, and…
Then you apply your knowledge to achieve results through your relationships.
Here’s the Point
Your connection to real people drives your transformation. Knowing the 5 Stages process is a good start. And it’s not enough. Leading inclusively requires that you build your skills in actual relationships of trust (making and keeping promises over time) and accountability (tracking and rewarding kept promises and fixing broken promises). When the people in your sphere of influence testify to your knowledge and skills, you build your brand as an inclusive leader.