Inclusive Leaders Assessment (ILA)
Participants will only be able to view reviewer data in aggregate if they nominate at least 5 reviewers, and at least 3 respond. Participants never see individual reviewer data for multiple choice questions.
For open-text responses participants see exactly what was submitted by individual reviewers. Reviewers are notified that the participant will see their responses as is, and are advised to take that into account when considering how to respond to open-text-response questions.
Once a participant has logged into their dashboard, they are able to nominate a reviewer by entering their first and last name, email address, and what the reviewers’ reporting relationship is to the participant. Once a reviewer is added, an invitation is automatically sent via email. Watch this video to see the participant dashboard, login, and nomination process.
The assessment should take 15 to 20 minutes to complete. There are 31 ratings questions, five levels of engagement questions, two open-response questions, and any demographic questions included.
Two Likert scales are used in the assessment: a frequency scale and an agreement scale. For the frequency scale, specific percentages of time are used to try to help reviewers apply the rating more consistently.
Frequency scale:
Very Infrequently (less than 10% of the time)
Infrequently (about 30% of the time)
Sometimes (about 50% of the time)
Frequently (about 70% of the time)
Very Frequently (90% or more of the time)
Do Not Know/Does Not Apply
Agreement scale:
Strongly Disagree
Strongly Agree
Do Not Know/Does Not Apply
Reviewers cannot be nominated after the nomination deadline. Hard close dates for each part of the assessment timeline are in place in order to protect the anonymity of reviewers, to ensure that reviewers are provided with enough time to complete their part of the assessment, and to help all participants receive their individual reports in a timely manner.
Participants and reviewers who have not completed their assessment receive reminder emails every other day (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays), and on the morning of the ILA close date. Participants and reviewers who have completed their tasks will not receive reminders.
Participants and reviewers cannot complete the assessment after the deadline. This is done in order to ensure that responses remain confidential in reports. Participants also need to complete their self-assessments on time, as their reports are automatically produced and sent out 24 hours after the assessment closes.
Individual reports are sent out automatically to participants 24 hours after the assessment closes. Participants must complete their self-assessment before this deadline, or else the email won’t be triggered and they will not receive a report.
If you cannot find your report email, be sure to check your spam folder first; the associated email address is support@assessmenthub.net. If you still cannot locate the email, please reach out to us and we will resend it to you.
Aggregate reports are sent out to the client project management team within one week of the close of the assessment.
The only way for a participant to access their report is through the email link sent after the ILA’s close date. We encourage you to both save the email with the report link as well as to download the PDF version of your report and save it in an easy to remember location in your personal files. You can search for your report email using the the associated email address: support@assessmenthub.net.
Participants and reviewers are asked to consent to Greatheart Consulting’s and Envisia’s privacy policies prior to beginning the ILA. This is required before participants and reviewers are able to continue the assessment. If they do not consent, or decline to participate in the ILA, participants are exited out of the survey. If a participant or reviewer declines to consent, that information will not be shared with anyone in the client organization.
Participant FAQs
Program Office FAQs
Participants will only be able to view reviewer data in aggregate if they nominate at least 5 reviewers, and at least 3 respond. Participants never see individual reviewer data for multiple-choice questions.
For open-text responses participants see exactly what was submitted by individual reviewers. Reviewers are notified that the participant will see their responses as is, and are advised to take that into account when considering how to respond to open-text-response questions.
Aggregate reports do not include any individual participant data (question responses and demographic repsponses). The aggregate report is just that: a report with participant and reviewer responses in aggregate. Any question or demographic response with fewer than five responses will be excluded from the report.
Greatheart receives a list of participants’ first names, last names, and email addresses from the client, which is uploaded into our assessment platform. On the assessment launch date, participants receive invitations via email with a link to access their participant portal. To see the participant dashboard, login, and nomination process, watch this video.
Once a participant has logged into their dashboard, they are able to nominate reviewers by entering the first and last name, email address, and the reviewer’s reporting relationship to them. Once a reviewer is added, an invitation is automatically sent via email which includes a unique link for the reviewer to access the assessment portal and complete their portion of the assessment. Watch this video to see the reviewer invitation process.
Participants and reviewers who have not completed their assessment receive reminder emails every other day (Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays), and on the morning of the ILA close date. Participants and reviewers who have completed their tasks will not receive reminders.
We do not provide names of participants who have not finished their ILAs or nominated enough reviewers, or reviewers who have not completed their ILAs, to preserve confidentiality. Instead, we recommend that client program managers send general reminders internally for participants to complete their self-assessments, and encourage participants to send personal notes to all their reviewers, asking that anyone who has not yet responded do so before the close date.
We encourage participants to utilize the ILA Quick-Start Guide in order to get the most out of their assessment experience.
Reviewers cannot be nominated past the deadline. This is done to protect the confidentiality of reviewer responses, and to ensure that reviewers are provided with enough time to complete their version of the assessment.
Participants and reviewers cannot complete the assessment after the deadline. This helps to ensure that responses of reviewers remain confidential in reports. Participants must complete their own ILAs on time in order for their reports to be sent out.
The assessment period closes at 11:59pm on the close date. Individual reports are sent out to participants 24 hours after the assessment closes. Participants must complete their self-assessment before this deadline to receive a report. If a participant has not completed their self-assessment they will not receive an individual report even if reviewers have provided feedback. If a participant cannot find their report email, be sure to have them check their spam folder, or search for the associated email address: support@assessmenthub.net. If they still cannot locate the email, please reach out to us and we will resend it to them.
Aggregate reports are sent out to the client project management team within a week of the close of the assessment. Often a review meeting is also set up, in order to go over the results of the aggregate report. See all report options, as well as a sample of the Premium Aggregate Report and the Standard Aggregate Report.
The only way for a participant to access their report is through the email link sent after the ILA close date. We encourage all participants to both save the email with the report link as well as to download the PDF version of their report and save it in an easy-to-remember location in their personal files. They can search for their report email using the the associated email address: support@assessmenthub.net.
Reminders, Close Dates, and Reports
Admin & Communications
We provide comprehensive communication templates to support an effective rollout of the ILA. This includes introductory emails for leadership to send to participants framing the assessment, internal language to encourage participation, as well as templates that participants can use to invite and remind reviewers throughout the assessment period.
To set up the ILA for a company, we require clients to provide information and materials (complete the ILA set up form, provide participant information, etc.). Once we have received those materials, we require at least five business days to complete set up and internal review before we launch the assessment with your participants. You will work with a Greatheart program manager to build a mutually agreeable assessment schedule for your company at the beginning of the process.
The assessment runs for three weeks.
Individual reports are sent out the day after the assessment closes.
The Aggregate Report is shared with the client organizing team within five business days of the assessment closing (for groups of ten or more participants).
The Inclusive Leaders Asessment gives participants a snapshot of their inclusive behaviors at a specific point in time; therefore, each purchase of the ILA includes two rounds of the assessment. Ideally, we recommend 8-12 months between any two instances of the assessment in order to give enough time for individuals to apply learning and take action on feedback received. With this process, the ILA becomes a part of your leaders’ regular professional development, through which they check in on how others are experiencing their leadership and track growth over time.
Participants and reviewers are asked to consent to Greatheart Consulting’s and Envisia’s privacy policies prior to beginning the ILA. This is required before participants are reviewers are able to continue the assessment. If they do not consent, they are able to decline to participate in the ILA. If a participant or reviewer declines to consent, that information will not be shared with anyone in the client organization.
Customizing the Inclusive Leadership Assessment (ILA)
Consult the Inclusive Leadership Assessment Overview document for a detailed look at all default demographics and demographic selection options.
Clients have the option of customizing their demographic questions before we set up the project on our platform. Demographics can be excluded, but this may have an impact on the aggregate report’s data cuts. In particular:
“What is your country/region of residence?” must be included and a participant or reviewer must select either “United States of America” or “Canada” to view the following questions (it is illegal to collect some of these demographics outside of the US and Canada):
What is your gender identity?
Do you identify as Hispanic/Latinx?
I identify myself as the following race(s) and/or ethnicity(ies)
Do you identify as LGBTQ?
For the Premium Aggregate Report, our default gender and reporting relationship questions must be used; changes to either of these require extra time and cost.
Clients are able to add in their own custom demographics (e.g. team, business unit, etc). Data from these custom demographics can be shared in the aggregate report via Demographic Cuts. Learn more about support options for the ILA here.
Email templates for invitations and reminders can be customized for extra cost.
Clients can customize the ILA and dashboard to display their color branding (primary and secondary color) and include their logo (A $500 fee will be applied).