Why companies should do more than just "check the boxes" during Black History Month

It's Black History Month, and companies across the nation are doing their best to "check the boxes" in order to appear as though they care about diversity and inclusion in the workplace. But let's be frank: checking a few boxes isn't enough. Companies need to do more than just acknowledge Black History Month — they need to actually commit to making progress when it comes to having diverse and inclusive workplaces.

When I say "commitment," I'm not talking about posting a nice photo on Instagram or tweeting out supportive statements — those are all great, but they don't go nearly far enough. Companies should be actively listening to their Black employees, amplifying their voices within the organization, creating space for open dialogue about race issues, and investing in education and training opportunities to help employees better understand these issues.

Companies also need to take a hard look at their hiring practices — do they truly create an atmosphere of equity and inclusion? Are Black applicants given the same consideration as other applicants? Are companies holding themselves accountable when it comes to providing fair compensation for all employees, regardless of race or gender? These are just a few questions that companies should be asking themselves to ensure they're not simply "checking the boxes" during Black History Month but actually embracing meaningful change year-round.

In short, if you want to show your commitment to diversity and inclusion, don't just check the boxes during Black History Month — make sure you're doing something tangible each day throughout the entire year to make your workplace a more equitable and inclusive environment. It's the only way we can truly create lasting change.


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