Inclusion in a Virtual Environment

Over the years, many of us have gotten used to conducting at least a certain amount of our business and work virtually. Generally, these are client phone calls or internal meetings when it is just not realistic or feasible to be in the same space. The reality that we’re living with now though, is somewhat unprecedented—everything that we’re doing has gone virtual.

We thought that we’d share some best practices that we’ve used or come up with in response to the social distancing and “shelter-in-place” policies that many companies and now governments have been implementing. A lot of these practices are things that we’d already committed to as a team, but some of them have been added in this new era of the virtual workplace. We hope that they’ll help you and your teams continue to lead more inclusively—both now and in the future, when we are all back face-to-face.

Please share any other ideas that you have! The more, the merrier!

Inclusive Meeting Best Practices

A few ideas on how to run more inclusive meetings, both in the virtual space and also once we are all back together in-person with our colleagues, clients, and collaborators!

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Best Practices for Virtual Meetings

We’ve found these to be highly effective in our virtual meetings. I especially have enjoyed thinking of fun ways to decompress, laugh, and connect with colleagues. Outside of skateboarding around the block, virtual charades has been my favorite and healthiest go-to virtual icebreaker/activity!

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Priorities for White Folks Committed to Racial Justice


Greatheart's COVID-19 Letter